From Small Town Pomeranians to Big Adventures: Join Becca and Banjo on Their Journey!
Join Becca and Banjo on Their Journey!
Welcome to the Big World of two Small, Small Town Pomeranian Puppies – Becca Becharming and Banjomin Franklin.
You can call us Becca and Banjo – that’s what our PuppyParents say! Banjo and I would like to welcome you to our world. We are Pomeranian (or “Poms” for short) cousins that found our PuppyDad in a park near Bark River, Michigan. As two small, small town puppies, we had a lot to learn, and we hope that you will enjoy learning with us.
First we learned that PuppyMom and PuppyDad lived in Florida and that we would move there. Although our longest walk was to the park, we were ready to walk. Right up to when PuppyDad told us that it would take 23 days and over 32 million puppy steps to walk to Michigan. So, we would fly. This was scary, especially since we hadn’t learned to count, and our new owners apparently didn’t know that puppies can’t fly. But we learned that puppy flying required no flapping. Instead, we rode together quietly in a travel carrier with our escort in an airplane from Michigan to Florida.
Next, we met PuppyMom and reunited with PuppyDad at the airport. Although we were scared to have new parents, PuppyMom arrived with everything that we needed after a long trip – lots of hugging and petting, new leashes, harnesses, bowls for water, treats, and since they knew we would be tired and the walk in the airport long, a two Pomeranian Pet Stroller for Cats/Dogs.
[Us at the airport – Becca in the front and Banjo in the back]
PuppyMom was so kind and gentle that we fell in love right away. After a quick potty stop in the designated airport dog walk, we loaded up in our new travel crates and headed home.
After living in a kennel we were amazed to have our own one bedroom sized (for Pomeranians at least) crate and bed! Richell Expandable Pet Crate. We missed our family and friends the first few nights so PuppyMom and PuppyDad didn’t get much sleep. But they were patient, so we soon slept through the night, comfortable in our new home.
[Us sleeping: Becca on the right and Banjo on the left]
Since we were six months old when we came to our new home, our first job was to learn where we should (and shouldn’t) go potty. PuppyMom and PuppyDad put soft paper Pee Pads with Leak-Proof Design for Potty Training in our play area in the house. It took a few days to understand that these were emergency potty stops and that we should ask to go outside when we needed to go. We had a few accidents, but when we made mistakes, PuppyMom and PuppyDad firmly told us no and didn’t yell at us. When we pottied in the right places, we got petted and sometimes got a treat!
We are now almost one year old. We love to ride in the car. PuppyDad has an old car with no top. PuppyMom and he drive us around in our special Snoozer Lookout car seats that keep us safe.
[Us in the car: Becca in the middle seat and Banjo on the passenger side]
PuppyDad told Banjo that he looked like Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his special seat. Whoever that is. And PuppyMom says I look like Greta Garbo, and we have no idea who that is either.
Another favorite activity is wrestling! PuppyDad saw us playing and said that we were wrestling. He said that we are in the Under 10 lb class, and he is in the Heavyweight class. PuppyDad is HUGE, so we are glad that we don’t have to wrestle him.
[Us wrestling with teeth: Becca on the right and Banjo on the left]
Thank you for allowing us to introduce ourselves and begin to share our story. We have learned so much and had so much fun that we’ll be back to share more of our story next week.
Until then, we wish you health, happiness, and joy from Becca Becharming and Banjomin Franklin, Two Small, Small Town Pom Puppies.