Unlocking the Secrets of a Paw-sitively Amazing Canine Lifestyle: Adventures of Banjo and Becca!
Banjo and Becca's Adventures in Florida
Banjo and I would like to welcome you back to our home in Florida! It has been an exciting week and an exciting journey as we continue to learn more about our family and our home.
Potty Training Success!
Our first exciting news is that we had no potty accidents for the whole week! We learned that having a schedule is important, so we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day at about the same time. We then go outside for a potty break after each meal, which works well. Sometimes, though, we just have to go and Banjo and I both have a signal that we use so that PuppyDad or PuppyMom can let us out. Banjo dances in front of the door and looks out the glass door. I prefer to dance on my two rear feet and also look out the glass door. We are very happy that PuppyMom and PuppyDad have learned to recognize when we need to go outside.
(Banjo on the left and Becca on the right)
Upcoming Installation of a Doggie Door
PuppyDad is also working on a project to install a doggie door. This will help us keep our perfect potty accident-free record. With this door, Banjo and I will be able to go in and out without having to bother PuppyMom and PuppyDad. It also means that we can go outside to play anytime during the day. We can’t wait! We are not sure exactly how this door will work, but for sure it will not need to be very big. We think that we will be able to open the door by pushing it with our noses.
(Becca on left and Banjo on the right)
Graduation and New Skills
A few weeks ago, we went to school. Because our PuppyParents want us to be very safe, they sent us to school. In school, we learned how to walk on a leash with our PuppyParents, how to come when called, how to wait for our PuppyParents, and how to know when it’s time to play. We really liked our trainers - they would pet and praise us when we did things the right way and correct us when we didn’t. We are proud to report that we passed our first grade! We got really pretty TinyPup USA Leash for our graduation presents and now enjoy wonderful, long walks with our PuppyParents. We also have safer playtime because we come when called and won't get lost or get ourselves into a predicament - like getting caught in the rain.
(Banjo on left and Becca on right)
More Freedom at Home
Because Banjo and I did so well in school, we have more freedom in the house. We are now allowed to sit on the sofa to play with our PuppyParents. Mostly we just get petted, but we love that. Because we are so small, our PuppyParents had to get Lesure Dog Stairs for Small Dogs to help us get on the sofa. They also put down a puppy pad that protects the sofa.
We love being able to jump on our PuppyParent's laps to give them kisses. Well, actually, we mostly just lick PuppyDad's face, and he calls them kisses. But we know that our PuppyParents love us.
Expanding Our Vocabulary
We also learned more words at school. Most dogs learn about 165 words. Really smart dogs can learn up to 250. The smartest dog in the world knows more than 1,000 words. Banjo and I are trying for 1,000! We are not sure how hard learning 1,000 words will be because we still need to learn to count, but the more words that we learn, the better we can understand our PuppyParents. Although we can't talk Human, we can listen, understand, and communicate with our actions – like barking!
The Holidays are Approaching
Finally, PuppyMom and PuppyDad are very excited about the holidays. We are not quite sure what this means, but our PuppyParents are having more fun, smiling a lot, singing, and decorating the house. We see lots of packages and presents and are not sure whom they are for. But PuppyMom taught Banjo how to open packages, and he will be very busy once we are allowed to open the ones for us. I will help Banjo open my packages.
(Banjo on left and Becca on right)
Thank you for joining us on our journey. We have learned so much and had so much fun that we'll be back to share more of our story next week. We should know more about the Holidays by then.
Until then, we wish you health, happiness, and joy from Becca Becharming and Banjomin Franklin, Two Small, Small Town Pom Puppies.