Welcome back to our home in Florida! Banjo and I got the most wonderful surprise this week. Add to that a new game that Banjo invented and a visit from PuppyMom’s family, it was an exciting week to be sure. Let me tell you all about it!
Banjo and I got a wonderful present. We got our very own puppy door!
It is the most amazing thing. We can open it ourselves, so we don’t have to always ask PuppyMom and PuppyDad to let us go outside to play or to potty. We could immediately see that it would be easy to use. First, it is just our size. Second, all we do to open it is to push the two swinging doors with our nose then walk though until our tails are past the doors. Finally, the doors close themselves! Amazing! And the ramp is just the right size – we are a little too short to jump over the doorsill on our own!
PuppyDad says they look like saloon doors. Whatever that is.
PuppyMom says that they look like freedom because we can now be independent and open the door to the puppy yard by ourselves. Of course, we can’t always open the door by ourselves. We don’t go out late at night and sometimes PuppyMom and PuppyDad want us to stay inside so they have a key to lock the puppy door.
Banjo and I love our puppy yard. PuppyMom and PuppyDad put up a very nice black fence just our size.
We have plenty of room to exercise and have a nice view of the front yard. One of Banjo’s jobs it to let us know when there are visitors, and he has a great view of the front entrance to the house. He barks to announce our guests and I help, too.
Although Banjo and I love to play together sometimes we like to play by ourselves. Banjo invented a new version of hide and seek that he plays by himself. He takes his favorite blanket, jumps on his bed and burrows under his blanket. Then he waits a bit and POPS his head out and surprises himself with what he sees. He can look really cute when he pops out!
I also have a special game that I play by myself. I play fetch with myself. I have special squeaky toys that I like to chase and squeak. But when no one is around to throw them for me I pick my squeaky toys up with my mouth, squeak them, shake them hard and toss them. Sometimes I push them with my paw if they don’t go far enough. Then I pick them up and start over. I guess I can look pretty cute as well.
The best part of our week was a visit from PuppyMom’s family. PuppyUncle, PuppyAunt, PuppyBoyCousin and PuppyGirlCousin visited and stayed overnight with us. They were all wonderful! They were very gentle and respectful as they got to know us and they were happy to play fetch, our favorite game. We all went swimming.
We like swimming in our pool because we have our own dock ramp that helps us get safely in and out of the pool. Banjo and I spent some time on our small puppy floatie.
We have a big peacock floatie, but we let PuppyBoyCousin and PuppyGirlCousin use that. PuppyDad pretended to be a water monster and chased our PuppyCousins on the peacock floatie, but he wasn’t very scary. He’s even slower in the water than on land (but don’t tell him that I said that!). Our extended PuppyFamily had to go home after our swim but we hope that they come back soon.
Thank you for joining us on our journey. We have learned so much and had so much fun that we’ll be back to share more of our story soon.
Until then, we wish you health, happiness, and joy from Becca Becharming and Banjomin Franklin, Two Small, Small Town Pom Puppies.